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Drinking Age

HeY eVeRYBoDY- I have just one question... WHAT IS UP WITH THE DRINKING AGE??? Did you know that the drinking age in New Zealand is 18? Canada- 19? If it works for them, cant it work for us? If the drinking age was lowered, mabey, just mabey, then drinking related crimes would go down. (I'm not talking the violent stuff people!)
Mabey less people would drink and drive (if you gots to drive all the way to a party to get drunk, your probably driving home AT LEAST buzzed). There wouldnt be as many MIP's(minor in possession) because there wouldnt be as many minors! Just a thought. Holla at me with what you think.

iN THe WoRDS oF a CoLLeGe GuY NaMeD JoSH:
"I can kill my lungs with cigarettes, vote for President, vote for local office, RUN for political office-- But I cant Drink?!?!"
Also, as was pointed out to me... you can die for your country but not drink... hmmm.


80.4% of teens in highschool (grades 9-12) have tried Alcohol

51% of said students have had a drink in the last month

32.6% of these students have had 5 or more drinks (on one or more occasions) in the last month.

Drinking dosent stop with age restrictions. It just gets burried. And because they have to hide it, PEOPLE get burried. Think about it. Mabey it will make a difference.

I'm not endorsing drinking, I'm just stating the facts baby!