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Why Lollipops Are So Wonderful

We all love them. We all eat them. We all share them.

But why are lollipops such a great candy? Who doesn't get a huge smile on there face when someone comes up to them at a party and hands them a Blow-Pop. Suckers are a staple of the hardcore raver. Here's why:

1. They come in LOTS of different flavors
2. The colors can make you happy
3. If you get one of those Blow Pops they'll die your mouth and when you eat the red ones it makes your teeth look
like they're bleeding
4. They taste good (duh!)
5. If you're a cheap-o, they're not expensive
6. You can stick them in your enemy's hair
7. Some come with free gum in the middle (wowza, bonus!)
8. They last for a long time
9. They are special because some ravers say that lollipops are a different food group
10. When you're bored, you can count how many licks it takes to get to the stick
11. The gum in the center is loaded with flavor
12. Never hard to find (most convience stores sell them)
13. Can replace your pacifier (not, permanently I hope)
14. Never tast plain
15. Chupa Chups come in ice cream flavors (they won't give you a brain freeze)
16. Perfect for breaking your teeth off
17. They are good practice, if you know what i mean.... ;)


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